Saturday, November 24, 2007

They Have Landed!

(Sherry- Posting on behalf of Nick and Susan)
Nick and Susan are in Beijing. I spoke with them this morning around 9:30 am our time and they had just arrived at their hotel. Susan was having trouble posting on the blog so she emailed the message to post to me, however I still have not received it. Hopefully I will get it soon and can post on the blog for her. Until then I will try to keep you informed on their behalf. She was happy to finally be there and she said everything went fine. They plan on touring the Great Wall tomorrow.

(The email they sent for today finally came). Here it is.

We have arrived!

By the grace of God we have made it to China! I never thought the day would come when I could post that!! God graced us with safe travel. We made it to Beijing 24 hours after we left Montgomerry airport. All our flights were on time and everyone was very friendly and helpful. And to everyone who knows Nick and were praying for his anxiety..., let me tell you those prayers were answered!! He was so calm and cool as a cucumber!!!! We were both so touched (and surprised) by all of you who sent letters (via Joetta) for us to read on the plane. We felt each of you with us. Our family is so blessed to have all of you in our lives! We get to sleep in a little tomorrow. We do not leave to tour the Great Wall until 11am. Our flight leaves for Nanjing at 8pm.... and of course the big day comes Monday morning. We still do not know the time... and we will not know until we check into the hotel tomorrow night in Nanjing. We should get Sam around 9 or 10am Monday morning which would be about 7 or 8pm Sunday evening in Alabama. We will post again tomorrow night. Love to all of you and keep those prayers coming!!!

1 comment:

Jutta said...

Glad to know they made it there safely. Thanks for posting for them