Friday, November 9, 2007

Sam is growing!

We got good news today from our agency. They got an update on Sam's measurements! Weight - 10 kg (22pounds), height - 80 cm (32 inches), head -46.5 (18.6), chest- 48 cm (19.2 inches), foot - 12 cm (4.6 inches). That means he has grown 2 inches and gained 2 pounds since our last report in August! We are praising God for Sam's growth and obvious good health. He is 4 inches taller than the other children in our group!! We also found out we will be visiting his orphanage. It is a 3 and 1/2 hour drive from Nanjing so it will be an all day excursion. God has laid it on our hearts to give something to all the other children who are still waiting on families. Pat, our agency director, says they can always use infant and children's Tylenol/Motrin and diaper rash cream. We are going to collect some donations of these items from our Sunday school class, family, and friends, and take to the orphanage.
We also have our itinerary.
Leave Montgomery 7am Friday November 23 (fly to Atlanta, Detroit, Tokyo, then Beijing)
We will arrive in Beijing on Sat night
Sunday morning we will visit the Great Wall and the Olympic Venues. We will depart to Nanjing in the afternoon.
Monday morning - Gotcha Day!!!! (this will be Sunday evening Alabama time.. please keep us in your prayers between 8-10pm)
Tuesday - Complete the Adoption process
Wed- visit the orphanage
Thurs - Sight seeing and pick up notary books
Friday - pick up passports and depart for Guangzhou
Sat - Medicals, zoo and jade factory
Sunday - Church - lunch together at the Cow and Bridge
Monday - go over consulate paperwork
Tuesday - consulate app
Wed -Swearing in ceremony at the consulate
Thursday - return home (we will get back in Montgomery around 8:30pm)
14 days until we leave!! WAHOOOOOOO!!


The Princess's Mommy said...

Oh I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see you with that sweet boy!

Unknown said...

We are so excited for you!!!!!! I am glad you are going to be able to go to Sam's childrens home. It will be a great experience to see where he has lived the beginning of his life.