Tuesday, December 4, 2007

One Week Ago Today

Sam was placed in our arms one week ago today! It is true what they say about time flying when they are babies. We started the day by getting our medical exams. Sam was not happy about it at all. There were three stations during the exam. The first one was a doctor who examined him all over and listened to his heart. He felt for hernia's and checked out his limbs. The other station Sam was weighed and measured. He had gained 1 pound in a week (we were not surprised). The last station was the ENT doctor. We are glad to report that all three babies passed with flying colors. After the exam we got on the bus and went to the Jade Market. After that we had lunch then visited the Guangzhou zoo. Sam loved looking at all the animals. The panda bear was asleep so we could not get a good look at him. Sam continues to win everyone's hearts. He has so much personality and is so loving. He is quiet the lady's man!! Tomorrow we have a free day except we have to hang around the phone from 11am-12:30pm while Pat goes to the Consulate's office with all our paperwork. Wednesday is our swearing in ceremony. Thursday we come home!! Our flight leaves around 8:00am Thursday morning (China time.. 6pm Wednesday night in Alabama). Our flight is scheduled to arrive in Montgomery Thursday evening at 8:40 (if nothing is delayed). I cannot wait for everyone to meet Sam! Enjoy the pictures of the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Su-Su & Nick--- Glad everything went well with the check-ups. Also I'm glad to know that he loves to eat, just wait til he gets to Alabama we will have him eating cornbread and tomato soup!! We Love You and can't wait until ya'll get home. Oh what size clothes does he wear?
The McDaniel Family