Our Sunday School teacher and his wife (Judy and Jerry)
made our t-shirts. They read "Sam's Dad and Sam's Mom!
Elyse, Tracie, and Alethia)
Praise God. He is so faithful! When he calls you to do something he promises that He will provide everything you need for the journey. So why should we be surprised that we surpassed our goal of raising $1,000 from the pancake breakfast fundraiser??? Drum roll please..... the total raised was $2,011.90 from pancake sales/tips and $900 in donations from some members of our Sunday School class!!!! We are so blessed and all the glory goes to God!!! Since May (when God put Sam in our lives) we have raised and/or friends have donated more than $5,400 toward his adoption (this doesn't count our anonymous angel who is donating our airfare to and from China)! WOW.. what a reaffirmation of God's will for us!
We had a wonderful turnout of friends and family at the pancake breakfast. We want to send a special thanks to all our helpers who sold tickets and then got up early to help serve: Nick's mom, Judy and Jerry (who also made t-shirts for us.. see pictures above), Ted and Joetta, Sherry, Renae, Farris, Caroline, Shannon, Gerald (who helped get us organized with the serving), Sue, Alethia, Elyse, Tracie, Sandra (who works with Nick and helped sell a huge amount of tickets), Scott, Kim, Annie, Leigh Ann, John, and of course Mary Grace!! And we want to thank all of you who bought tickets. May God bless each of you for helping us get Sam home. We are still hoping to travel in October. Hang on Sam... mommy and daddy are coming soon!!! "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28
We are so excited for you all. Today was so much fun!!! So glad today was a great success.
Yea! That's awesome! I'm sorry we were not able to be there. We had Cub Scouts that morning.
Laura U.
I am SO happy for ya'll!!! I cannot wait to meet my new cousin Sam!!! I love ya'll so very much!
Summer M. Kyser
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