Monday, April 21, 2008

Visiting Nai Nai and Pop

A nice stroll at the park with Pop and Nai Nai

Looking for ducks with Nai Nai

Reading a peek-a-boo book with Mrs. Ann

Showing Pop his picture book

Sam loves Aimee!!

Just a swingin'

We went to visit Nick's parents in DeFuniak Springs, FL for the weekend. We had a nice time and Sam met lots of new friends and relatives. His cousin Aimee has been keeping a scrapbook of our journey to becoming a family and she gave it to us this weekend. WOW... what a great gift... it is priceless! Thank you Aimee for being so sweet and thoughtful and for taking time to put together all the pictures and entry's from our blog. She labeled the book "Sam I Am" and it is something we will forever treasure. By the way... Sam is completely in love with Aimee (as you can see from the pictures).

He is adding new words to his vocabulary and one of them is car. He says it just about every time he sees a car, so you can imagine how many times we heard it this weekend while driving to and from DeFuniak Springs!! He is also telling us when he needs to use the bathroom so we are buying a potty chair today. One more week until we go back to the doctor and remove his cast.... YEAH!!!!


Anonymous said...

Nick, Susan and Sam,
We had such a "good time" in Defuniak on Saturday!! We sure wish that ya'll lived closer. We enjoyed getting to bond with Sam.
Love You,
Aunt Tami

Anonymous said...

Su-Su and Nick,
The pictures are so cute!! Nick looks like he is really enjoying the daddy things. I'm glad ya'll are doing good. We need to get together soon so Sam, Hunter and Paige can play.


Anonymous said...

Susan & Nick,

We had soo much fun Saturday. We hate that we don't get to see ya'll more often. We'd love for ya'll to come see our house and ride 4-wheelers sometime soon. Give Sam a big hug and a kiss for me!

The Smith's said...

What a sweet little man. I love to get the updates and see how much he is growing.
