Monday, May 28, 2007

Glory to God!

We knew that when God called us to adopt that He would provide all that we needed. We trusted in Him to do that and we are amazed at how He is allowing this to happen for us. First, we had an anonymous donor from our Sunday School class donate our airfare to and from China. That totally floored us and had us leaping for joy and praising God! It also confirmed to us that God meant for Sam to be ours!!! Just a few days ago some friends phoned and told us they would like to make a donation. We are completely humbled and blessed by this generosity. We are so thankful that God put this on their hearts to give. We are so grateful and we give God all the Glory. To our anonymous guardian angel, and to Leigh Ann and John, thank you for having an open heart to hear from the Lord, and an obedient heart to be willing to give. God is so amazing!

Throughout this journey, our relationship with Jesus Christ has grown strong. We stepped out of the boat and followed God's plan. It has been uncomfortable at times, however, we knew it was God's will. We will continue to keep our eyes on Him. We are also so deeply grateful for every one's prayers. Please continue to pray for Sam's good health, for his caretakers to be patient and kind with him, for God to give peace to his birth parents, and for Sam to bond with us and form a healthy attachment to both of us. Pray that when he is put in our arms that he smiles at us and knows that we are his forever family. We also ask for you to pray that God will continue to give us all we need to go and get our son.

Friday, May 25, 2007

We had to get re-fingerprinted today

We melt everytime we look at Sam's pictures! We went today and got re-fingerprinted for the FBI. We have to have this so Citizenship and Immigration Services can process our application so we can adopt Sam. The most crazy thing happened while we were there today. We met another couple who is adopting from China. They were from Huntsville. It just so happens that the girl they are adopting has the same Special Need as Sam, a repaired VSD. They also shared the same birthday... June 9. Their daughter is 2 years older than Sam, but what are the odds that they would have the same medical condition, the same birthday, and we end of being re-fingerprinted at the same time!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

This is where Sam is living right now

This is a map of China (double click on map to make it larger). Sam is living off the East Coast in Jiangsu Province in Zhang City. Shanghai is located off the coast. We will fly into Beijing, then after a few days we will fly to Nanjing which is the capitol of Jiangsu. We will receive Sam at the Civil Affairs Building in Nanjing. After a few days in Nanjing we fly to Ghangzhou located in South China. We will finish all the paper work there and once we get Sam's passport, medical, and visa, we will fly back home. We will be in China for about 2 weeks. Sam will become an official U.S. Citizen once our plane lands in America!

Meet Our Son, Sam!

Here he is. Samuel Duron Moss. Doesn't he look like Suze?? He also has Nick's personality (likes to bang on noisy drum and is very fond of music). We sent our LOI (Letter of Intent) to adopt Sam to the Chinese Government. We now wait for them to send us an LOA (Letter of Acceptance). This usually takes about 3 months or 100 days. We pray it will be sooner. We should travel within a month after receiving that LOA. We want to share with everyone how God orchestrated our adoption journey. God opened and closed doors that lead us to Sam. We feel very blessed and we know that God is going to continue to heal Sam's heart and supply all our needs. For those of you just joining us, here is Sam's story. He was found at 4:43am on the morning of July 20, 2006 at door post #7, group 10, district 5 at the Zhang Jia Gang City Orphanage in the Province of Jiangsu. An orphanage employee discovered him. A note was pinned to him that read "born on June 9, 2006". After numerous attempts to locate his birth parents, he was placed in the orphanage and given the name Zhang, Jin Hao. Zhang is his last name and that is the city where he was found. Jin means "golden" and Hao mean" one from heaven". Doctors soon discovered he had a heart defect called Ventricle Septial Defect (VSD) and was operated on in December 2006. He was also born with an extra thumb on his right hand. He recovered well from the surgery and went back to the orphanage where he "liked to be hugged and had a ready smile". Meanwhile, back here in Montgomery, Alabama we prayed about adding our names to the special needs list with our adoption agency. In April we faxed a letter to our agency and they added us to this list. Monday, May 7 our agency director, Pat Lee, called us and asked if we would be interested in adopting a boy. She had just received his profile and medical report. We told her yes we would consider it and she sent us his picture and profile. With the help of our Sunday School teacher and his wife (Judy and Jerry Kemp) we got a local pediatric cardiologist to look at his medical report and echocardiogram. He said all looked normal and explained to us that VSD was a common defect and most children never experience complications. We are so blessed that God lead us to Sam. We know that he is the child that God had planned for us all along. We had someone from our Sunday School Class anonymously donate the airfare for our flights to and from China. We are so very grateful to them and we know that God will reward them for their generous and selfless deed. God is good and all of the glory goes to Him!